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Alex Douglas-Kane shares her experiences and understanding of Discover Nature Awareness

Sunday, 22 March 2009

The Concentric Rings – The Squirrel and my Anger.

While out for a walk one day in nature with my girlfriend at the time, we ended up having an argument. I found myself becoming extremely angry with her so I decided that I should remove myself from the situation by storming off towards the car.

I was really fuming and on the way back to the car I became aware that people were giving me a wide berth, when suddenly to my surprised a grey squirrel fell from a branch directly above and just in front of me, to say this squirrel hit the ground like a ton of bricks would be an understatement.

This got me thinking, when have I ever seen a squirrel fall out off a tree? Answer never and nor have I seen it happen since. My point here is that as a result of this event the squirrel showed me how my temper can affect others as well as myself it allowed me too see that I needed to deal with this part of myself.

I now laugh about this and when I tell others this story I will often put myself in the squirrels position, I like to imagine it sitting on the branch eating away at its nuts when it turns because it is sensing that something within the concentric rings has changed, it then sees my energy/aura which is all over the place and spiking out in all directions and probably in strong aggressive colours. The squirrel is so shocked by this and in complete surprise looses its balance and falls from the tree with an almighty thump and in a split second is up and running off like a whippet.

This was a great lesson in self awareness and I now use it on my workshops to show people how powerful their thoughts and feelings are and how they can affect others without a word being spoken.

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