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Alex Douglas-Kane shares her experiences and understanding of Discover Nature Awareness

Friday 8 January 2010

What is meant by a Heart Space?

I often get asked this question and I always reply by saying it is about getting someone out of their head and into the their heart, which I believe will always tell us the truth. Sometimes I find it hard to find the words I need to describe the things I want to talk about.

However, the other night while at the showing of the Horse Boy film Rupert said something that brought some clarity to me. He was saying that Shamans throughout the world when asked how does their healing work and why, he said without exception their is one common thread that they all talked about they said, their healing works because it comes from a place of love and that's what they focus on.

Having heard this I cast my mind back to when I have worked with people be it addictions, our disaffected youth etc, and I realised that very often we had become connected with each other in such a way that it can only be described as coming from a place of love.

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