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Alex Douglas-Kane shares her experiences and understanding of Discover Nature Awareness

Tuesday 12 January 2010

What's in a Name?

I remember many years ago I was going through the beginnings of finding my spirituality and questioning where am I going and what I am I doing with my life. When during a one week period I was approached by three men in three different locations on three different days all unknown to each other, and all had asked me the same question.

Had I ever considered becoming a Shaman, my answer to each of them was, I had considered becoming a priest once but that latest all of five seconds and what I knew about shamanism you could write on the back of a postage stamp and still have room for your name and address and another stamp.

However, by the end of the week not only was this question still playing on my mind but the fact that each man was called Ian, now that really bugged me. I wanted to find out what the name meant, so when I was in town one day I decided to pop into Smiths and find a book of names.

I located a book and I looked up the name Ian, it read...

By the Grace of God.

More to come, keep checking back...

  • The White Flower of Trinidad
  • On patrol do I go left or do I go right?
  • I had to leave one of my men behind in the desert of Saudi Arabia
  • Nature Awareness four years later
  • The Nightingales vs. the Corncrakes

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